Årets geolog 2023
The Geologist of the Year 2023 (Årets Geolog) will be hosted at LTU campus in E632 in the November 9th.
- Startar: 2023-11-09 15:00
- Slutar: 2023-11-09 20:00
- Plats: LTU Luleå
- Lokal:
16:30 Welcome mingle
17:00 Presentations and award ceremony
19:00 Icebreaker
20:00 Dinner
Dinner fee of SEK 335, the first 20 students pay SEK 135.
Payment via Swish. The number will arrive shortly.
(Participation keynote and presentations is free)
Magnus Johansson is the contact person: geosektionen@naturvetarna.se