On January 1, 2025, the membership fee for regular members will be increased to SEK 265 a month.
For those of you who currently have a regular membership with Naturvetarna, the membership fee will be increased by SEK 15 to SEK 265 a month. The increase applies from 1 January 2025 and is a consequence of increased costs for income insurance. The fee for dual members to Sveriges Lärare is also increased to SEK 265 per month.
– A tougher situation on the labor market has meant that more members receive compensation from the income insurance. This means that the membership fee needs to be increased to cover the increased costs, says Patriq Fagerstedt, chairman of Naturvetarna.
The decision to raise the membership fee was made at the Congress in 2024.
For those of you who currently pay via direct debit or e-invoice, the new membership fee will be adjusted automatically. If you pay via paper invoice, the new membership fee will appear on the invoice sent in January.
Naturvetarna still have one of the lowest fees in the market for natural scientists.
Read more about which benefits are included in your membership here.