Via the Membership Helpline, our union officers provide advice concerning employment conditions, labour law and salary statistics. If you experience problems in working life or have any questions about your rights, contact the Membership Helpline.
Advice on working conditions
We give you advice on questions about, for example:
- Holidays and leave
- Sick leave and rehabilitation
- Unemployment and dismissal
- Parental leave
- Discrimination and discrimination
- Collective agreement for your workplace
If you need negotiation support, we will help you to an ombudsman with a focus on negotiation.
Advice on salary
We can help you to interpret salary statistics and give you tips and advice in preparation for your salary dialogue.
As a member you can find the salary statistics here.
Contract advice
Need help to figure out the content of your employment contract? Our Contract Advice service explains what the contract means for you.
Contract Advice consists of us, together with you, examining the contract, providing advice and views on its content and what exactly this means for you. The aim of this service is for members to become aware of the rights and obligations stated in the contact.
We provide advisory services for several different types of employment contracts:
- Employment contracts for companies who have no collective agreement.
- Employment contracts that are complemented by a collective agreement.
- Employment contracts where employers apply the entire or parts of a collective agreement (which is important if a dispute about the contract occurs).
We provide advice in English and on contracts written in English.
Contract Advice is not an examination of the contract; the focus is on advice. In the end the member takes the decision whether to sign or not. The contract is between the employer and the employee which means that Naturvetarna cannot enter the arena to negotiate with the employer, establish complete employment contracts or carry out a full legal examination.
If you need Contract Advice, mail your employment contract to radgivning@naturvetarna.se, saying you would like us to look at the contract. A reply will be sent within three working days, depending on the scope of the contract.
Contact Membership Helpline
Telephone: 08-466 24 80. See our opening hours here.
E-post: radgivning@naturvetarna.se
Advice and negotiation support as a new member
You have the right to take part in the Membership Helpline immediately when you become a member. However, you can not receive negotiation support during your first three months as a member.
If you have switched to Naturvetarna from another trade union and have no gap between the membership (same principle as for the income insurance), you are entitled to negotiation support immediately.