Q & A

Confirmation that your membership is changing

You receive this information as a confirmation that your membership in Naturvetarna has changed, from student to ordinary or postdok with employment. 

This means that your membership fee to Naturvetarna also changes. Current membership fees can be found here.

As a professional, you will increasingly benefit from your membership! You can contact us for advice on salary, conditions, work environment and career. More information can be found here.

As a professional, the terms of your insurance that you receive through your membership change. Read more below. 


Change of your legal insurance

Now your terms for HELP's legal insurance, which you have received so far free of charge, are changing. You will still have it for free for three months, and after that it will cost SEK 45 / month in addition to the membership fee to Naturvetarna.

If you do not want the legal insurance from HELP, you must cancel it by contacting Akademikerförsäkring at 0771-111 999 och by sending a message at My pages at Akademikerförsäkring's website


Free insurance for three months

As a professional member, you now also receive a specially selected insurance package that contains four basic insurances free of charge for three months. You get information from Akademikerförsäkring and need to make an active choice of which insurances you want to continue with. During the welcome period, you have the opportunity to buy the insurance without a health declaration. Read more at www.naturvetarna.se/akademikerforsakring.


Are you a member of the unemployment insurance fund?

We would also like to remind you to join the unemployment insurance fund (a-kassa) if you have not already done so. The unemployment insurance fund secures your income if one day you were to be out of work.

The unemployment insurance fund is not part of your membership in Naturvetarna. Read more at www.naturvetarna.se/a-kassa.


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