Q & A
Become a member

Membership fees

As a member of Naturvetarna, the Swedish Association of Professional Scientists, you gain access to a wide range of services related to your employment and your career as a scientist.


Full member

265 SEK/month

On January 1 the regular membership fee was increased by 15 SEK. Read more.

Reduced fee (monthly income from 15 000 and 20 000 SEK)* 175 SEK/month
Low reduced fee (monthly income under 15 000 SEK)* 100 SEK/month
PhD student with employment 120 SEK/month
Scholarship/fellowship 100 SEK/month
Student & PhD student without employment


Become a member today and pay 0 SEK throughout 2025. Regular fee 120 SEK/year.

* We may require a certificate proving your employment and/or income.

You need to apply for a reduced fee if you have a monthly income of less than 20 000 per month. The reduced fee applies from the first of the month in which we receive your application for a reduction. Please note that fee reductions cannot be granted retrospectively. You can apply for a fee reduction here.


Other fees

Pensioner 60 SEK/month
Employment outside the Nordic region 100 SEK/month
Dual union membership in Lärarnas RiksförbundSulfDIKSveriges Arbetsterapeuter Read more here (Swedish). 


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