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Salary statistics

Keep track of the salary situation and set goals for the next salary dialogue. With Saco Salary Statistic, you as a member can take part in Sweden's best salary statistics for professional scientists.

The salary statistics give you an overview of the salary situation within your education or work area. But above all, it can be used to see your potential salary development and what choices you can make in your career to get where you want to go.

With Naturvetarnas salary statistics in Saco Salary Statistic, you can compare salaries in different areas to get an idea of ​​possible career opportunities. Among other things, you can see salary statistics from:

  • areas of education
  • industries
  • positions

The statistics show a wage spread for different age groups, degree years, educations and labor market sectors.

Naturvetarnas' salary statistics are based on our annual salary survey. Current figures are from the salary year 2024.


Salary statistics for members

To Saco Salary search for members (log in with BankID)

In Saco Salary Search, there are also salary statistics for managers that are common to academics within Saco's unions. Read more about manager salary statistics.


Salary statistics for elected representatives

As an elected representative, you have access to in-depth statistics:

To Saco Salary search for elected union representatives (log in with BankID)

Representatives can see statistics three years back for scientists and other academics. They also have access to more selections such as the municipality, as well as job titles and professional specialties for education and research in the state sector.


Tips on how to check salary statistics

When checking salary statistics, keep in mind that:

  • The wage statistics indicate the wage range. Do not stare blindly at the median salary - maybe you want to aim for the ninetieth percentile, or higher? Then find out what is required in terms of responsibilities and achievements to get there.
  • Wage statistics are not an argument in themselves. Use it to set goals in your next salary interview and more long-term. The arguments for the salary you want should be based on your responsibility, your skills and your performance.
  • The salary statistics are not a conclusion - it only indicates what others had in salary when they provided the information. Use the statistics as guidance on which salary range you should be in.
  • Make many selections and compare salaries in different industries, tasks and positions to see your potential salary development and your career opportunities.

Do you want help interpreting the statistics? Contact Naturvetarnas Membership Helpline for a conversation about what salary you should request for a particular job.