If you become ill and cannot work you will receive financial compensation by the Social Insurance Agency, and in accordance with the collective agreement if you are covered by that.
The first day you are ill is called a qualification day. This means that you do not receive any salary or benefits for that day.
From day 2 until day 14 your employer pays you statutory sick pay. Sick pay is 80 percent of your salary.
After this the Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) pays sickness benefits for a certain period, initially 90 days. Read more about sickness benefits at Försäkringskassan.
If you work at a workplace that is party to a collective agreement, often this provides additional benefits when you become ill.
For example, within the county council/municipal sector the collective agreement can give up to 10 percent of your salary extra if you become ill, plus that your employer may pay out sick pay parallel with sickness benefits or rehabilitation benefits from the Social Insurance Agency.
Contact our Membership Helpline for questions about your situation.