When you work in Sweden you are entitled to a statutory state pension. If your workplace is party to a collective agreement, you will also receive an occupational pension.
When you work in Sweden you are entitled to a statutory state pension. The state pension is divided into two parts; income-based according to your income and premium pension that you can choose to invest in different funds. The Swedish Pensions Agency manages the state pension in Sweden.
If your workplace is party to a collective agreement, you will also receive an occupational pension. This makes a significantly greater contribution to your future pension than your state pension alone.
If you are not covered by a collective agreement, it is important that you discuss with your employer and ask if they would consider paying an occupational pension for you, or when you are just beginning a job, include the value of the occupational pension into your salary level so that you can save for your own pension.
There are different occupational pensions in the different labour market sectors:
- ITP in the private sector
- P16 in the state sector
- Kap-kl in the municipal and county council sectors
At www.minpension.se, everyone who has earned a pension in Sweden can log in and see his/her future pension and pension forecast.