Are you a recent graduate and ready for the next step? Now you can contact Frida, our specialist advisor and negotiator for recent graduates. She answers all your questions and guides you to reach your goals!
Your career as a professional scientist starts here! We are the trade union for you who is about to launch your scientific career. We know your education and future profession and can offer you guidance to reach your professional goals. Regardless of if you are about to work within the field of natural science or within another field of work, we can guide you in the initial steps of your career.
Contact our advisor and negotiator specialized in young professionals
Naturvetarna now has an advisor/negotiator that specializes in supporting young professionals in their careers. If you already are a member or are considering becoming a member, you are welcome to contact our advisor/negotiator Frida to discuss your future career.
Frida – advisor and negotiator
Telephone: 08-466 24 94
Opening hours: 9.00-12.00 every weekday
When we have received your e-mail, you can expect an answer within 2-3 workdays.
Examples of what you can discuss:
- How to prepare for the job interview
- Your salary - what do the salary statistics/salary reports look like and how do you negotiate?
- Terms of employment and employment benefits - what is important to keep track of
- Relevant industries and jobs based on your education
- What skills are in demand?
- The benefit of a collective agreement - and what applies if there is none
- Akassa, income insurance and other insurances you should be aware of
- Support from the Naturvetarna in case of questions or conflict/problems in the workplace