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LinkedIn profile review

Are you looking for new career opportunities and want to become more visible with relevant employers and recruiters? LinkedIn can mean new career and business opportunities for you.

LinkedIn is the world's largest tool for job matching and recruitment. LinkedIn profile review help you optimise your LinkedIn presence.

In the coaching session, issues discussed might be:

  • What are the goals of your presence on LinkedIn?
  • Is your presence on LinkedIn generating the results you expected? If not, what can be changed?
  • How do you become more searchable and more attractive to employers, recruiters and contacts at LinkedIn?
  • How can you learn about your labour market with the help of LinkedIn?

You need to have your existing profile on LinkedIn in front of you during the coaching session. If you book the service, enter a link to your profile under Other information in the form below.

Booking the service involves a one-hour conversation with an advisor from our partner Verto Konsult AB. Student members are entitled to a half-hour conversation.

During the month of July we do not accept any bookings for career services due to holiday periods.

As a member of Naturvetarna you have the opportunity to use one optional career service (including Coaching for managers and entrepreneurs) per calendar year free of charge. If you wish to book more services, members can do so directly with Verto at a discounted price. LinkedIn profile review costs SEK 1,200 / booking if you have already used one career service during the same calendar year. If you do not have a mobile Bank ID, you can email your request instead.

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As a member, you are entitled to ONE free consultation service per calendar year.

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